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When debt collectors called you, they never expected you to call us!

The Reason for Debt Harassment

By K&S on March 23rd, 2011 | 1 Comment

Posted in: Credit Card Debt, Debt Collection Methods, Debt Collectors

It is important to understand why collection calls feel like harassment in order to deal with the stress they create.

Many Americans have fallen behind on their credit card, mortgage, and/or car payments because they have experienced some form of financial difficulty. This causes stress on the individual, as well as family and friends that are affected. To make matters worse, collection agencies are making harassing collection calls about past-due accounts on a daily basis. These agencies use fear tactics on vulnerable people for one purpose: to make money.

When a consumer falls behind on their payments, creditors often retain debt collectors or sell the debt to them for a fraction of the total debt. Now, it is up to the collection company to turn a profit for themselves by collecting as much money as possible. It is typical for these agencies to pitch a “deal” to settle for less than the original debt; in fact, they are still making a profit because they bought the debt for far less. This is when the debt harassment starts.

Debt collectors will often use threats and lie to the consumer to try to force a payment out of them. They will up the ante even further to squeeze as much money out of the person as they can. This causes added stress and anxiety on the consumer who is already overwhelmed by their finances in the first place. Even though some of the tactics they use are unethical, collections companies continue to use them for financial gain.

It is important for people in this situation to remember to stay calm. Many of the intimidation practices used by debt collectors calling the home or office are empty promises. If the threats feel like harassment then an experienced debt collection lawyer can help you learn your rights and stop the deception once and for all. Otherwise, taking positive steps to get out of debt is the best way to stop collection calls.

Comments 1 Comment

  1. Don’t get yourself bullied by those debt collectors. Ask assistance from the experts. Whether you are looking for a helping hand to get back on track or a complete solution to consolidate debt, it makes sense to talk to an expert and find the right solution for you.

      Comment by Gene on April 1st, 2011 at 4:10 am

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