RECEIVE $500-$1500 PER CALL.

When debt collectors called you, they never expected you to call us!

Debt Harassment is #1 on List of Consumer Complaints

According to the “Top 10 List of Complaints” by Illinois consumers last year, phone calls regarding consumer debt harassment topped the list at number one. This statistic proves two things: that the state is still suffering from high unemployment rates and other financial troubles as a result of the failed economy, and people are as annoyed as ever by debt collection calls. This problem is not limited to the residents of Illinois; in fact, this is a nationwide dilemma.

Many of these complaints were made by people who experienced collection agency harassment. Abusive tactics were reported, including illegal practices used to scare people into making a payment. These scare tactics can be very convincing at times, but as the old saying goes “you can’t get blood from a stone.” In most cases, the consumer does not have enough money to pay off their debts otherwise their accounts would not be in collections in the first place. Until consumers are able to come up with enough money to make a payment, how can they stop debt collectors from abusing their power?

Consumers have two options: turn them in and/or sue them. There are laws in place that regulate debt collection practices, and agencies should be held accountable when they break the rules. First, go to the Fair Trade Commission to complain then do the same with your state’s attorney general. A last resort to make the harassment stop is to take legal action against the offending agency. Some debt collectors are so ruthless that it seems as though they want your happiness and peace of mind along with your money. Don’t let them control your life – find an attorney that will fight for your health and your wealth against illegal and unfair debt harassment practices.

Comments 1 Comment

  1. We live in a society where it is very easy to get credit but then it can be difficult to maintain those payments when your circumstances change. Rather than facing financial problems that linger overhead or filing for bankruptcy many individuals turn to debt counselors….These are generally non-profit organizations that help you identify your debt and work with your creditors.

      Comment by Michael Carabini on May 22nd, 2011 at 10:18 pm

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