We Represent Consumers In Cases Against Robocallers, Telemarketers, Debt Collectors, Financial Institutions And Credit Bureaus.

Weltman, Weinberg and Reis Co., LPA

About Weltman, Weinberg and Reis

Weltman, Weinberg and Reis collects debt and has a staff of more than 1,200 people spread across ten offices. They represent banks and financial institutions, real estate mortgage and lending companies, commercial creditors, government entities, insurance companies, credit unions, medical and utility companies, student lenders and servicers and business/service organizations. They are most concentrated in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois, Kentucky and Indiana.

Contact Information

Weltman, Weinberg and Reis Co., LPA
323 W. Lakeside Avenue, Suite 200
Cleveland, OH 44113
(800) 884-4128
(216) 685-1000

Put an End to Debt Collection Abuse

Dealing with debt harassment and threatening collection calls? Call us today at (800) 668-3247 and get the protection you deserve from unfair collection practices.